Citi Bikes, Yellowcabs and Rideshares: How NYC moves when it's cold (and hot) out

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To your left and right are many dots. In blue, each of the dots represents about 59 people. In the red, each represents about 3900. Combined, these dots account for every New Yorker that unlocked a Citi Bike, hailed a taxi or took a rideshare around Grand Central Terminal or Times Square in March, 2018. March was a particularly variable month for New York City weather. On Wednesday March 21, the City received over eight inches of snow. Nine days later, the high was 62 degrees. Let's see how all this weather changed how New York City moved.

The colored shapes indicate which mode of transportation was used. Blue circles denote Citibikes, yellow squares denote taxicabs, and green squares denote rideshares, such as Uber.

Plotting the number of rides per day for each type of transportation, we see variation in the number of rides taken. Note both the scale difference between the left y-axes of both graphs, which plot rides per day. The right y-axes will demonstrate temperature.

Now we see temperature appearing on the graphs, and some of the variation becomes clear. Particularly, Citibike data seems to be sensitive to temperature and this can be seen visually. Note 2 Wednesdays, the 7th and the 21st. Both experienced snowfalls, and we see this impact compared to other weekdays.

Citibike Wed/Thurs

These three graphs attempt to highlight the effect of snow on normal transport conditions. In all 3, days that are neither snowy nor Wednesday/Thursday are in dark blue, Wednesdays and Thursdays are in orange, and Snowy Wednesdays/Thursdays are in light blue.

The aim is to show that though Wednesdays and Thursdays are normally some of the highest transportation days, snow significantly affects this even when compared in the same month.

Taxi Wed/Thurs
FHV Wed/Thurs

The effect is dulled, but still present, in FHVs. We theorize this is due to the ability to order a FVH from inside, which is not common in cabs or citibikes.

An Intro to Data Vis project by Aaron Brezel, Aditi Hudli, Tristan Orlofski and Mythili Shankara